Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We left Grande Prairie for the Alaska Highway this morning. We saw deer on the road side again. One time there were 2 moose at the side of the road and Daddy had to brake
really fast and hard to avoid one that decided to cross the road. Boy, could you smell those brakes!!!! But, we missed the moose. Good thing! He would have caused a lot of damage.
We are still in the Rocky Mountains so the roads are still a 7% or 8% grade. Once today when we were doing 65 mph and a hill came up the RV dropped back to only 35 mph to get up the mountain! Then when we came down the other side of the mountain we had the air brakes on, the engine shifted down two whole gears and Daddy had to hit the brakes too!
We saw a group of horses just running wild around one of the many corners on the highway and further down the road was a rather large black bear on all fours eating. We couldn't stop fast enough; but the people in the RV park next to us stopped. The black bear was not too happy and he raised up on his two hind legs. Of course, they said he was about 10 feet from them. You are supposed to stay at least 30 feet away. They can be very dangerous.
These people we met at this RV Park live on the west coast of Florida. They are originally from Hagerstown and College Park, Maryland. We really like them; and they are going to Alaska also. It's really a SMALL WORLD!!!!!!!

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