Friday, November 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 26,2010.

We slept really good upstairs in Linda's house. Her house backs up to Gunpowder Falls State Park, so there are woods all around. The leaves are starting to change so the trees are really pretty. Daddy and I watched 5 deer right in her backyard eat leaves and grass. They come in from the state park and Linda says they are always around.
We went out to Cpstco and Target looking for a wedding present for Anna and Matt. Then we filled up the RV with yogurt and water too. The batteries on the RV are running too low, so we stopped to buy new ones close by Linda's.
The whole afternoon was spent at Lassahn Funeral Home and Parkwood Cemetary setting up the arrangements for NaNa's funeral ahead of time. The funeral home has been there since 1864. It has been added onto several times to enlarge it . I was able to find the gravesides of my relatives that I wanted. I had to clean off my Becker grandmother's. It was all covered with grass; so I cleaned it umps you could see her footstone. We signed the papers for PopPop's Navy marker to be placed there. We still have to order a flat headstone. But at least it is all done.
Tonight we took Linda, Tom and Marie out to dinner at their local Double T Dinner. Daddy ordered chicken Marsala and really enjoyed it. I never realized Tom and Linda used to own an airplane which they took trips in. Tomorrow we need to move the Rv up to Woodstock, Md, which is closer to Frederick for the wedding. Q

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