Monday, August 9, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010, Mitchell, SD to Omaha, Nebraska

Today, we will drive through Sioux Falls, SD, then onto Yankton, SD which was the territorial capital at the time of Wild Bill Hickok. Then on to Vermillion, SD and into Iowa. The state of South Dakota was an extremely wide state. Jenny gave me Daphne's phone number from my house, so I was able to talk to her. They actually live too far away for us to visit, but we had a good long talk!
We stopped at a Harrah's. Casino outside of Omaha, Nebraska just over the line from Iowa. It was a really nice casino and they were crowded. Every slot machine had a person sitting down at it; even the high limit slots! We ate dinner at the buffet and it was delicious! This casino has it's own RV Park and we were surprised how many RVs were parked there. It was really nice and thank heaven our AC is working. They are in the middle of a heat wave here! Maybe, it's God getting us prepared for Florida weather!

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